Brunch KidsBrunch kids € 16,00p.p. → Picknick box gencoliciousAll good things are wild and free € 23,50p.p. → Picknick box gencolicious – veggieAll good things are wild and free € 22,50p.p. → Picknick box kidsAll good things are wild and free (not to wild please) € 13,50p.p. → Picknick box wereldsmakenAll good things are wild and free € 25,00p.p. → Picknick box wereldsmaken – veggieAll good things are wild and free € 22,50p.p. → TapasboxSharing is caring € 10,00p.p. → Tapas koudLet’s go spanish € 24,00p.p. → Tapas koud en 2 warmeShut up and bring me tapas! € 30,00p.p. → Tapas koud en 4 warmeAddicted to tapas! € 36,00p.p. → Antipasti schotelkeep calm and eat Italian food € 21,00p.p. → VisschotelZOT van VIS? € 28,00p.p. → 1 2 3